With the forecast bad weather not reaching the island everyone settled in to some fantastic new learning with their horses and achieving personal goals. The jump arena is in great shape and we are all looking forward to moving onto the Cross Country course tomorrow. Thanks Eve and all the riders out there today.
Fantastic start to the Eve Hawes Eventing Clinic. Day one and day two off to a great start. With the forecast bad weather not reaching the island everyone settled in to some fantastic new learning with their horses and achieving personal goals. The jump arena is in great shape and we are all looking forward to moving onto the Cross Country course tomorrow. Thanks Eve and all the riders out there today. Day 3 of Eve Hawes Eventing Clinic and the rough weather did not dampen our spirits or surpress our appetite to be better Eventers for ourselves and for our horses. With our Ferrari’s tucked up at home under cover it was our turn as the pilots to learn about correct jumping phases, correct course lines and the psychological aspects of facing our own fears and tackling that seemingly insurmountable obstacle. Eves years of extensive personal experience, training and professional approach made everything seem possible. Those corners will now be nailed by The Rainmaker 😁 Thank you Eve from Nelson Riding Club and all the team from this clinic. I for one can’t wait for the next one!
December 2024